Frequently Asked Questions

  • Have any questions about your stay or getting around South Congress Hotel? Below you'll find answers to our most frequently asked questions regarding reservations, amenities, events, and general info about the hotel.

Getting to the hotel

Where are we located?

How far is the airport?

Where can I park?

How much is parking?

What's the best way to get around Austin without a car?


Do we have rooms with two beds?

Will I be charged when I make my reservation?

How is my reservation guaranteed?

What do I need to check in?

What time is check-in and check-out?

Can I check in early?

Can I check out late?

Is the hotel ADA accessible?

What is your cancellation policy?


Do the rooms have robes and slippers?

What is the amenity fee?

Is the hotel pet friendly?

Does the hotel have a spa?

Does the hotel have a pool or hot tub?

Does the hotel have a fitness center?

Do we have cribs, Pac ‘N Plays & rollaway beds?

General Info

Do you have WiFi?

What are my dining options on the property?

Do you have a TV to watch live events?

When is In Room Dining available?

Does the hotel have a gift shop?

Can I get a package delivered to the hotel?

I lost an item, how can I report it?

I’d like to book an event at the hotel, who do I contact?

Are there going to be any events happening during my stay?

What is your photography policy?

Is the hotel hiring?

Hotel map

  • Not finding the answer you're looking for? Feel free to contact us or ask one of our front desk agents during your stay.